Keeping you safer: we work to guarantee a safer, more humane and more sustainable world

Unex. Keeping you safer.

At Unex, we have always been committed to moving forward by evolving. Today, almost six decades after our origins, this process of growth has led us to the challenge of providing maximum safety for people, installations and the environment.

Unex not only manufacture insulating solutions for cable management, but we do it by guaranteeing safety in all areas. So, in order to best reflect our essence as a company, we decided to update our logo and slogan to be closer to what we stand for.

Keeping you safer summarises, in one sentence, the accumulation of actions and values that, from our origins, we have been building until we evolved to what we are today: a company that develops its economic activity trying to do its bit to achieve a safer, more humane and more sustainable world. In this article we will tell you about some of our most outstanding moments and ways of doing things in relation to the concept that concerns us: safety.

Electrical safety

This is one of our most recognised characteristics: at Unex our products are made of insulating material, formulated in-house, and provide maximum electrical safety for people and goods.

In fact, by using insulating material, there is no possibility of generating a leakage current into the conduction, thus reducing the risk of indirect contacts, which also reduces the possibility of electrical accidents. In this way, our insulating cable trays or trunkings are a safe and effective option for optimal cable management and to ensure a safe environment.

Soluciones Unex, seguridad ante todo.


Safety under the law

Did you know that Unex participates in International Product Standardisation Committees? Thus, we have been promoters of the introduction of electrical conduction systems based on plastic trunkings in IEC 60364 standard. In this way, we manage to provide legal certainty to our customers, demonstrating our concern for complying with the regulations that affect our products and their uses.

We work to guarantee a safer, more human and more sustainable world.

Security of supply

No matter where you are, our products will always arrive ..... Do you know why? Because delivery reliability and product availability are ensured thanks to the complete stock in our logistics centres and an extensive worldwide distribution network. And because we manufacture our own raw materials, we can guarantee the availability of all our products at any time.

Distribución segura con Unex


Safety in case of doubt

We know the difficulties that can arise when carrying out an installation or project. Our policy has always been to know, understand and provide solutions to our customers' needs and, in this, technical assistance plays a key role. This is why at Unex we never leave you alone. We are pleased to help you and for that reason we have our customer service department where there will always be a person, with experience and training, to answer your questions.

Seguridad ante la duda


Safety for the environment

Edificio Unex, sostenibilidad y ecodiseño.

For years, Unex has been aware of the need to take action to reduce its environmental impact. To this end, among other measures, we have implemented an environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 certified by AENOR for the design and marketing of Unex branded systems.

In addition, we integrate the European Directive 2002/95/EC RoHS, which contributes to sustainable construction, preserving the safety of people and the environment, limiting the use of substances considered hazardous by the EU.

Among our latest sustainable actions is the inauguration of our head-office in Barcelona in July 2022.

At Unex, we know that buildings are large consumers of energy.

But they can also be productive and autonomous and generate energy from renewable sources installed on rooftops, party walls or facades.

That is why, when we started the long-term architectural project for our building, we proposed that it should be energy efficient and sustainable.

Today this is a reality. Our new facilities produce around 40% of their energy through photovoltaic energy and are qualified with the voluntary Leadership in Energy Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification, which is one of the most important international recognitions.


Keeping you safer: all-round security

Our renewed slogan, in short, is our mission statement: we want to keep you safer.


On the Unex blog, we cover a wide range of topics of interest and share experiences from our clients. We remind you that all legal information and information regarding compliance with applicable regulations can be found on our official website. We invite you to consult it for a more comprehensive and accurate understanding.