We have tried to discard the events that have overwhelmed us and, as if reflected in a mirror, invert them to appreciate them as motivating events that drive us to move on.
“We are happy 2020 is over as it has been a “rare” year for everyone and we are also grateful as we have had the opportunity to take stock of our situations, our memories and -of course- our feelings, which to a greater or lesser extent, we have all let them out one way or another”.
Thus, in mid-December, we invited the Unex team in Spain to share what they appreciated of 2020. We have collected a lot of ideas, memories and thoughts that revolved around five axes: health, having time, being able to stop and think, the ability to bring the best of ourselves, individually and collectively, and also the benefits of working at Unex. A few of these comments have already been published on networks under the title “2020. Much to remember”, but since they sent us many, many more we want to publicize a few more, and perhaps some of us may even recognize ourselves in them.
"I am grateful to have our public health and feel immense gratitude to all health workers for their work, effort and solidarity".

"The benefit of stopping and thinking and, above all, valuing the simple little things: like waking up, having breakfast all together, a vermouth through the screen with my friends, the importance of the words "I love you".
"Being grateful because reality hit me".
“I am grateful that my family, my company and my colleagues have been so concerned about my health, supporting my reactions, not always good, in the face of the tension that we have experienced these months, in which we have faced challenges unknown until now".
"This strange 2020 brought me a lot of things to be thankful for, good and less good, but all of them great life lessons".

"To have taken greater vital wisdom".
“Despite the fact that this year has been a very complicated year, it has also been a time of reflection, pause, meditation, approaching the closest family, because what we called normality did not allow us to be together as long as we wanted, everything we would have liked".

"Thanks to having breakfast and lunch at home, I have a more balanced and healthier diet".
"I am grateful for the existence of people who" make everything easy ", who breathe harmony, and who in grey and uncertain moments smile and provide support".
"Finally we learn to value things that we did not give importance to before and that one day we will be able to do again: a hug, a delicious meal in a restaurant, a drink on a terrace ... I hope not to forget what I learned since those things are really worth in life".

“What I am grateful for this year: how lucky I am to work at Unex (…). I thank my colleagues for supporting me and knowing how to listen to me, and I am also grateful for having gotten to know other colleagues better with whom I had not had so much contact until now and with whom I have worked many hours as a team in full confinement".
"At Unex we are fortunate because we have been in contact at all times, they have made sure that we do not lack anything in our work and have put all the measures in place to perform our task as well as possible."

The circle is complete
As you can see, the sample is as wide and diverse as the people who make up Unex. In this article that summarizes their reflections, we want to express our gratitude for your collaboration. All of them, those that we have selected and many others demonstrate, in one way or another, the ability to face adversity and to overcome it, each person with his/her particular formula.

We will only add that, whether you have put your thoughts in writing or not, we want to reflect our deep gratitude and appreciation to all of you, because you have shown, with words or in silence, that you stand by us, in the difficult moments that we have lived and that day after day we are leaving behind, loaded with experience and new hopes to face what the year 2021 brings us. Thank you all, for everything.